Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Power of Words

What does "VIRTUALLY SPOTLESS" and "NEW AND IMPORVED" mean to you? Or how about "LIKE MAGIC"? It sounds like a product that will get the job done, right? Something you would want to buy because it will work effectively and benefit you in some useful way. The thing is, do these products actually work as well as their labels say they will? Let's be honest, probably not. But these enthusiastic adjectives and complimentary phrases make us feel better, so we buy that product over the others with less appealing titles.This is because we believe it is 'better than the leading brand'. So what do these words really entail? Allow me to serve as your Advertisement Word Dictionary, your translator.

Let's begin. When a product says "VIRTUALLY SPOTLESS", it is really saying "I mean, you won't be able to see that the spot is there, so that's a plus right?". The word virtually basically means "kinda but not really!". So in actuality, the product will make it seem like it got the job done. What about "NEW AND IMPROVED"? In order for something to be new and improved, it once had to be old and really bad at its function. It makes me wonder what was wrong with the product the first time.And lastly, "LIKE MAGIC''. If something works that well without a real explanation, you probably do not want to know why or how that product works so well. Most likely, its full of harsh chemicals. Congratulations! You are now the new and improved shopper! Go about your life deciphering through the B.S. :)

1 comment:

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